Webelos cook-off: Fruit and veggie kebabs
Our Webelos den leader gathered us at a fellow scout’s house to brainstorm what we should cook for our next camping trip. We were presented with the task of creating two dishes. One would have to include vegetables, and the other needed to consist of fruit.
Some of our parents were asked to judge our creations. The group that had the best dishes would have the opportunity to serve the dishes at our upcoming camping trip.
Some of the ingredients that our group used for our vegetable dish were corn, onions, garlic, and tomatoes. For our fruit dish we used bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. With those ingredients we made vegetable and fruit kebabs. Our creations did not win, but we did have a great time!
When our dishes were complete, our den leader’s husband showed us how to start a fire. We needed to know how to safely start a fire to cook at our camp. It was a long day for us, but it was an awesome experience and we earned our new badges for our uniforms.