Michael Kors is battling world hunger with a series of...

Michael Kors is battling world hunger with a series of philanthropic initiatives including two unisex watches to be introduced in March for his “WATCH HUNGER STOP” campaign. For each watch sold, 100 children will be fed via the UN World Food Programme. Credit: Handout

Michael Kors is a man on a huge mission, and it has nothing to do with clothes. On Wednesday, the born-and-bred LIer launched an exclusive partnership with the UN World Food Programme, which is dedicated to helping solve the international hunger crisis, a cause that is near and dear to Kors, and a cornerstone of his philanthropic platform.

The WFP is the world’s largest organization fighting hunger around the world and has been in existence for 50 years, feeding 90 million people annually. Through his involvement, Kors hopes to raise awareness and funds to help end what the WFP calls “the world’s most solvable problem.”

In a statement, Kors called the battle to end hunger, “one of the greatest global fights of our time.”

“I’ve had the great fortune of traveling around the world and experiencing new cultures and people," he said. "And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that millions of people all over the world are struggling to feed themselves.”

A public service announcement featuring luminaries such as Seth Meyers, Bette Midler, Patti Hansen, Kyle MacLachlan, Karolina Kurkova and Brooklyn Decker is designed to create awareness for the plight of the hungry. In March, the company will launch two unisex watch styles for its “WATCH HUNGER STOP” campaign. For each watch sold, 100 children will be fed via the World Food Programme. There will also be a text-to-donate initiative to further fundraising efforts.

Kors, who hopes to raise millions for the cause, is not a newcomer to the fight against hunger. In October 2012, he made a $5 million donation to God’s Love We Deliver, the Manhattan-based nonprofit that cooks and delivers individually tailored meals daily to people living with severe illnesses throughout New York City, Newark and Hudson County.

For more information on Kors’ philanthropic effort “Kors cares” go to destinationkors.com.

And to Kors….bravo.


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