A model walks the runway during the Rebecca Taylor show...

A model walks the runway during the Rebecca Taylor show at Center 548 in Manhattan. (Sept. 7, 2013) Credit: Getty Images

Flirty, feminine wardrobe staples had a tiny bit of a tomboy edge at Rebecca Taylor’s afternoon show downtown on Saturday. All in white and blush tones, there was lots of open lace and plenty of perforated leather  – this, deceptively innocent looking, but in fact, the cuts and holes allowed for a glimpse of some serious skin beneath. 

Along with the girlie, there were quilted jackets, a pink boyfriend blazer, swaggering trousers, some pleated, hanging loose and low, along with denim pieces such as striped “railroad pants.” And for a bit of girl-meets-boy glam, a crystal encrusted “engineer” lace skirt and a floral suit.

And what’s a Rebecca Taylor show without her signature little tiger print? It was well represented on this runway – a little flippy dress and a cropped sweater roared. 


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