Halloween haunt coming to Mulcahy's in Wantagh

Travis Beck and Luca DiMatteo, of Trou Productions of Wantagh, are designing the Hall of Horrors Halloween haunt at Mulcahy’s in Wantagh. Credit: Travis Beck
Things are becoming wicked in Wantagh this fall as Mulcahy’s Pub and Concert Hall gets into the gore game. A new Halloween attraction, Hall of Horrors, is set to open this October at the venue.
“Halloween is only getting bigger and bigger each year. This is something I’ve always wanted to try,” says Tim Murray, Mulcahy’s director of operations.
This 20-minute walkthrough is a handcrafted haunt built by the duo of Travis Beck, 29, of Smithtown, and Luca DiMatteo, 26, of Wantagh, from Trou Productions of Wantagh. The no-touch policy haunt will feature a series of live actors lurking throughout eight rooms and three display scenes ready to deliver some serious scares.
“Everything is handmade by us,” says DiMatteo. “Each piece is made from scratch.”
Rooms guests will enter vary from one with a butcher scene to another with a swamp witch set in moist, low fog, with hanging greens and moss.
Head out beyond the old picket fences into the corn stalks for a third room called Children of the Corn.
“You will feel like you are in a corn maze with hay bales, creepy scarecrows and ominous black crows,” says DiMatteo. “One of the scarecrows will be alive!”
The final encounter will play with people's fears. Think: killer clowns. “You’ll walk through a narrow hallway with tons of clowns reaching for you and making loud sounds,” says DiMatteo.
Aside from the rooms, there will be decorative scenes at two bars and in front of the main stage. The first showcases vintage medical props with jars filled with eyeballs and tongues. The other bar turns into the “Vampire’s Lair” featuring cathedral windows, tombstones and massive darkness.
The “Hall of Horrors” is suggested for those aged 14 and over, clocking in at a 6 out of 10 on the scare meter.
“This is geared toward people who are interested in starting their Halloween experience,” says DiMatteo. “We think it will be popular for teenagers as well as people in their 20s and 30s on a date night or friends’ night out.”
For those who get overwhelmed, each room can easily be exited.
“All of our hallways and most of our rooms are being made with pipe and drape, therefore anybody can get out at any moment, if need be,” says DiMatteo. “Plus, there will be guides throughout the haunt to point people in the right direction.”
Upon leaving the attraction, guests will enter a festive atmosphere as a Halloween carnival awaits in the Joe DelGiorno Gallery Room. The event consists of games, photo-ops, a pumpkin patch, costumed characters, pumpkin beers and a menu featuring holiday treats.
“It’s a traditional Halloween vibe,” says DiMatteo. “Those with younger children can just attend the family-friendly carnival if they like. There’s no cover charge to enter.”
Tickets ($25-$40) go on sale Aug. 29 at noon.
“We hope to make it an annual event," says Murray. "Maybe next year we will expand the run for three weeks or a month. I think there’s a need for it.”
WHEN | WHERE 6-10 p.m. Oct. 21-24 and 28-31, 3232 Railroad Ave., Wantagh
COST $25, $40 Speed Demon VIP pass
MORE INFO 516-783-7500, muls.com