Plants vs. Zombies iPhone release delayed

Plants vs. Zombies IS IT WORTH IT? : Though it sounds like it might be gory and scary, this amusing action-strategy game of gardener vs. the living dead is cartoonish fun appropriate for most 10-year-olds (a sinister Vincent Price-esque laugh, the repeated "I'm going to get you" threat and the eating-your-brain thing might leave an undesired impression on little ones), but this adult gardener stayed up way past her bedtime trying to defeat a huge onslaught of zombies. Forget about a rainy day -- with at least 50 levels in each of five play modes (Adventure, Survival, Puzzle, Zen Garden and Mini-Game Challenges), this one will take you through an entire monsoon. Dozens of zombie types, including a zombie bobsled team, keep things interesting while you try to fight them with weapons like pea shooters, cherry bombers and potato mines, which you grow from seeds purchased from the Doom and Bloom Seed Company. Credit: Handout
This just in from PopCap's Twitter page:
Apologies for the lack of updates regarding PvZ iPhone. The game has been further delayed, but we are *confident* it will launch in mid-Feb.
"PvZ," for the uninitiated, refers to the video game company's "Plants vs. Zombies" game, to which I've surrendered more nights' sleep than I care to admit.
>>Read my earlier review of the Plants vs. Zombies and other garden themed video games