The coolest petunia I've ever seen. Ever.

Supertunia Pretty Much Picasso Credit: Proven Winners photo
Fell in love last week with the new Supertunia Pretty Much Picasso petunia. How gorgeous is this?
As you might expect, I always look forward to new garden catalogs and to learning about new plants, but it isn't often I get this excited. It's as if this one was created just for me. Just look at that cool lime green edge all around each violet-purple bloom.
What's more, after the first few establishment weeks, this baby will be drought-tolerant. And just like other Supertunias, they're "self-cleaning," which means there's no need to deadhead.
It's a "spiller," which means it will trail over the side of a hanging planter or window box. But if you plant it in the garden, try it at the front of a border. It should grow 8 to 12 inches tall.
Supertunias have always performed extremely well in my garden, so I'm really anxious to try this one out. While I haven't seen it in any of the new garden catalogs, Pretty Much Picasso should be coming to a garden center near you in time for spring planting.