Dog kept in shed during storm and seen in viral video to be put up for adoption, animal rescuers say

Prince, a 14-year-old chow mix who briefly appears in a video taken by his owner's neighbor in Brooklyn during the monster snowstorm on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016, was brought to Save-A-Pet animal shelter in Port Jefferson Station where he will be made available for adoption. Credit: Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue
After a video of two Brooklyn dogs kept in a shed during last weekend’s monster storm went viral, the Long Island group Guardians of Rescue has stepped in to get one of the dogs a new home.
Evelyn Costa posted the video of her Crown Heights neighbor’s pit bull and chow mix, who can be heard whimpering during the worst part of the Jan. 23 storm that dumped more than 2 feet of snow. The dogs were being kept in a shed described by Guardians of Rescue president Robert Misseri as “covered in filth” and “simply inadequate.”
The video has nearly half a million views and was shared more than 6,000 times. Police said they received multiple calls about the dogs during the storm, and that they issued the dogs’ owner, June Hercules, a criminal court summons. Hercules could not be reached for comment.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, who requested assistance from the Smithtown-based Guardians of Rescue, was brought in to work with the dogs’ owner to help “improve the overall conditions for the pets,” an ASPCA spokeswoman said.
Misseri said he and five other volunteers began renovating the shed late last Sunday. With funds provided by the ASPCA, the group worked during the night under flood lights to clear the snow from the area, reinforce the sides of the shed, insulate the inside and add straw for bedding.
Misseri said it took them six hours to fix everything.
“In my opinion, the condition of the shack was not at all suitable,” Misseri said.
Recently, Hercules agreed to give one of the dogs, Prince, up for adoption, Misseri said. He said Prince, the 14-year-old chow mix who briefly appears in Costa’s video, is blind and deaf.
Misseri said the other dog is still with Hercules.
Prince was brought to the Save-A-Pet animal shelter in Port Jefferson Station on Friday morning, Save-A-Pet employee Kathy Deon said. He will be available for adoption after he undergoes an evaluation.
“We’ve given him a nice fluffy bed and he seems to be happy,” Deon said. “We just hope to make sure that he’s happy for the rest of his life.”

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Things to do now on LI Rock climbing? Indoor beach volleyball? Water parks? Arts and crafts? NewsdayTV's Elisa DiStefano and Newsday deputy lifestyle editor Meghan Giannotta have your look at ways to spend your winter break.