Nassau's Jay Jacobs on Bill de Blasio's inaugural committee
New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has a lone Long Islander on his 73-member inaugural committee -- Nassau Democratic chairman Jay Jacobs.
The committee handles logistics for inaugural celebrations in the five boroughs and may help with fundraising.
Jacobs, who held an early fundraiser for de Blasio, said he is friends with the mayor-elect and worked with his wife, Chirlane McCray. "Bill has attended many of my fundraisers here in Nassau," Jacobs said.
Also on the panel is Joni Haviva Kletter, a Brooklynite in the city office of the Garden City-based law firm Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein. Among entertainers on the committee are former Long Islander Russell Simmons and Long Island-raised Steve Buscemi.
-- Sid Cassese
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