In TV message, Paladino tries to refocus

Carl Paladino, GOP NY gubernatorial candidate, answers reporters' questions at a campaign stop in Buffalo, Wednesday. (Oct. 6, 2010) Credit: AP
BUFFALO - There were signs this week that Carl Paladino was trying to change the focus of his campaign from personal to substantive issues, and while he focused on those issues in a three-minute television message Thursday, he also took another personal shot at his opponent.
In the broadcast, which aired in western New York about 5:15 p.m., the Republican gubernatorial candidate complained that the media had hounded him about his personal life; tried to explain why he got into an argument with a New York Post reporter; and said the focus of the campaign should be on issues, such as his call for a 10 percent tax cut, a 20 percent spending cut and new ethics laws. He also said, for the first time, that he would support drilling for oil and gas in the Marcellus Shale.
But while complaining that "for weeks the media has badgered me about affairs," Paladino, who has acknowledged that he has a 10-year-old daughter who was born out of wedlock, said, "What I meant to express in my anger was simply this: Does the media ask Andrew such questions? Andrew's prowess is legendary." He did not elaborate.
Paladino saved his strongest words for Cuomo in a plea to debate, addressing the Democratic candidate for governor only by his first name. "Andrew, stop the political posturing and Albany games," Paladino said. "Come out and debate all the candidates. Why do you want to exclude the African-American candidate and the only woman candidate and the Green Party candidate? I just don't understand. Come out and debate like a man."
By the time the broadcast was made, Cuomo already had agreed to do a News 12 Networks/Newsday/Hofstra University debate on Oct. 18. Later, Paladino also agreed to attend.
At the end of the broadcast, Paladino's campaign manager, Nancy Maples, took to the screen and urged viewers to send "an emergency contribution today."
Cuomo campaign spokesman Josh Vlasto said Paladino is trying to "con New Yorkers."
"Carl Paladino and his handlers can't con New Yorkers," he said. "They have seen the real Carl and they know he is unfit to be governor with his unstable outbursts, smears, and total lack of substance. New Yorkers don't need his dysfunctional personality in Albany - Albany is dysfunctional enough."
Paladino bought the time on three Buffalo affiliates of network television - estimated to cost $15,000 by one Buffalo anchor - but not in more expensive downstate markets.
He has not purchased advertising on News 12 Long Island since before the Sept. 14 primary and did not inquire about buying time Thursday, according to Ralph Cerenzio, senior vice president for advertising sales at Cablevision, which owns News 12 Long Island and Newsday.
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