RNC: Ex-Gov. Pataki and now-Gov. Fortuno hold court
Puerto Rico's Republican governor, Luis Fortuño, greeted a joint breakfast meeting of the New York and Puerto Rico delegations, and addressed the joint gathering as did former GOP Gov. George Pataki.
Above, that's Fortuño between Pataki and ex-Sen. Alfonse D'Amato following the event.
Pataki, after making some use of his Peekskill-accented Spanish, told reporters here in Clearwater Beach that he'd help out where the party wanted him. Asked if he'd be campaigning for Randy Altschuler in the 1st C.D., the ex-gov. said he'd do what the campaign saw fit, and noted that he'd endorsed Altschuler before the latter's nomination.
Frank Luntz, appearing before the group in suspenders, gave a strategic pep talk and even got a laugh with the line that the economy is so bad, Bill and Hillary Clinton are traveling together.
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