Cuomo sending electricity experts to Puerto Rico

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, calling the Trump administration’s policy toward Puerto Rico “a national disgrace,” is sending state electricity experts to help the commonwealth recover from an islandwide blackout.
At a news conference at his Manhattan office, Cuomo said he would personally visit the island April 29.
In addition to dispatching the state experts — 10 personnel from the New York Power Authority — he also is creating a program to send about 500 students from the state and city university systems to work on the island’s recovery for several weeks, in exchange for college credit.
Cuomo, a Democrat, said the Trump administration proved “inadequate” in helping the island after Hurricane Maria in September.
“We can tell you firsthand how inadequate the federal response was — even on Day One,” he said. “What’s most annoying is . . . here on Day 211, the federal government is still inadequate in their response.”
Cuomo said the state was being reimbursed by the federal government for the costs.
In February, Cuomo said he was “ashamed . . . of what this country has done” in failing to help Puerto Rico recover sooner from the hurricane.
He made those remarks during an appearance with the island’s governor, Ricardo Rosselló.
At the rally, he blamed Trump administration officials’ “disrespect” toward those “who don’t fit their picture of America.”
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