Charles Koch calls GOP presidental candidates bad role models

Charles Koch speaks in his office at Koch Industries in Wichita, Kan., May 22, 2012. Credit: AP
Billionaire Charles Koch said he doesn’t anticipate spending money on supporting or opposing the Republican presidential nominee — and he’s leaving open the prospect that Hillary Clinton might be preferable to anyone currently seeking the GOP nod.
He said the candidate has to be liked as much as Ronald Reagan and “compete on making the country better” rather than tearing down opponents.
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich “are terrible role models,” Koch said on ABC’s “This Week,” He denied giving money to efforts to oppose Trump.
Koch also said “it’s possible” that Hillary Clinton would be better than a Republican. But he says that he’d “have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric.” The same standard goes for Republicans, he said.
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