Add Trumpling, Sandering, Cruzish, Hillarify to dictionary

A supporter of Donald Trump in a shirt featuring the presidential candidate just outside of Grumman Studios in Bethpage, where Trump spoke, April 6, 2016. Credit: Johnny Milano
Smack in the midst of the 2016 presidential primary season, the Oxford English Dictionary has released its eagerly awaited campaign-inspired list of new entries to the august reference source.
And here they are:
bern (noun) — a feverish feeling of extreme euphoria, followed by bitterness when the victim realizes that nothing that hurts that good is real or lasting.
christify (verb) — to make clear, after much examination and bloviation, that there really is less there than meets the eye.
christilize (verb) — to morph from a main player to a stage prop.
cooperian (adj.) — referring to the tendency to interrupt someone before they have finished answering a question to ask another question, used especially in reference to CNN hosts.
cruzification (noun) — the practice of calling for the Lord’s blessing of every single place in which you set foot, especially every great state.
cruzish (adj.) — reeking of mean-spiritedness.
distrumpful (adj.) — reacting with visceral skepticism, often accompanied by a rash.
hillarification (noun) — an attempt to explain a confusing point or position for at least the 10th time. Each of the previous nine tries is called a trumpification.
hillarify (verb) — to take someone else’s opinion and make it your own, usually with a slight change and often accompanied by the expression, “I have always been clear that . . .”
hillarity (noun) — guffawing or cackling meant to convey genuine amusement but actually seeming forced. See Kate McKinnon videos on SNL.
jebify (verb) — to turn a position of overwhelming strength into one of weakness and failure. Example: The team seemed to be the best in the league, but it was jebified by injuries and poor play.
kasich (noun) — the last person in the bar at closing time, whose response to the bartender’s umpteenth request to just please go home is, “Are you kidding me?”
kasich (verb) — to give a consoling or supportive hug. Example: Sally seemed depressed, so I kasiched her.
marconian (adj.) — drastic, unexpected, inexplicable, usually used in reference to one’s behavior toward a foe, followed quickly by a reversal of said behavior and then a humiliating disappearance from public life.
megynize (verb) — to unsettle or call out someone in an unexpected way, often with a barely disguised grin.
omalleyian (adj.) — forgettable.
patakiment (noun) — an ephemeral presence lacking in proof that it ever existed; a figment of one’s imagination.
sandering (noun) — the practice of always referring to someone by using a title, such as “The Secretary,” instead of the person’s name.
sanderista (noun) — an impassioned voter, primarily of the socialist persuasion, who will stay home on Election Day if his or her candidate is not on the ballot.
sanderize (verb) — to reduce a complicated issue to a rousing slogan.
the full carson (noun phrase) — an interminable and incomprehensible explanation of something well understood by most people.
trumpify (verb) — to brand someone else, often in less-than-flattering fashion, with terms such as lyin’ or little or low-energy.
trumpletweet (noun) — a Twitter posting that has no basis in fact.
trumpling (noun) — what happens to someone who tries to match wits with a master insulter.
trusTED (adj.) — an antonym for trusted.
And there’s still seven months to go in this crazy cycle — plenty of time to expand the lexicon.
Michael Dobie is a member of Newsday’s editorial board.