OpinionCartoonsCartoons of the weekUpdated September 4, 2024 ShareCartoonists from around the world draw on the week's news.Rising sea levelsCredit: POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Plop and KanKrSmoking vapesCredit: POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Arend van DamTrump's iPhone quitsCredit: EASTON, CT/Randall EnosJob and housing marketCredit: COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN/John DarkowMedia coverageCredit: CANADA, POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Dave WhamondNonstop political advertisingCredit: POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Bob EnglehartFlat-earth conspiracy thinkersCredit: DE VOLKSKRANT, NETHERLANDS/SchotTech exec groundedCredit: THE BOSTON GLOBE/Patrick ChappatteTill football do us partCredit: SHILOH, IL/Gary McCoyTrump at ArlingtonCredit: COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN/John DarkowNegotiation table tunnelCredit: ALARABY ALJADEED NEWSPAPER , LONDON/Emad HajjajSmoking vapesCredit: POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Arend van DamTrump at ArlingtonCredit: THE SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE, PA/John Cole Share on Facebook Share on X Email this storyShareOpinion ColumnsMICHAEL DOBIEParadise takes another hit from Milton2m readMICHAEL DOBIEWe all could use a break from the news2m readRANDI F. MARSHALLSeeking hope while surrounded by hate2m readCATHY YOUNGParsing threats to democracy2m readDAN JANISONVance cuts a path for his own future2m read