Matt Davies cartoons on Bill Clinton's impeachment trial from The...

Matt Davies cartoons on Bill Clinton's impeachment trial from The Journal News in Westchester. Credit: Matt Davies

Given their historical infrequency, it is a rare joy in a political cartoonist’s career to be granted a presidential impeachment, but here I sit amid an embarrassment of satirical riches: A second one.

Back in the primordial days of my career in 1998, when I worked at a Gannett newspaper in Westchester, Congress found something to impeach President Bill Clinton over. It may surprise some, but, as with President Donald Trump, my cartoons on Clinton’s personal behavior were deservedly scathing, and to prove it here are some from my archive. When “The Presidential Seal” cartoon was first published, a reader called me in tears, saying I’d ruined her day. I never did figure out if she was a Clinton supporter or detractor.

Matt Davies cartoons on Bill Clinton's impeachment trial from The...

Matt Davies cartoons on Bill Clinton's impeachment trial from The Journal News in Westchester. Credit: Matt Davies

In the newspaper world, it has been said that what’s bad for the country is good for political cartoonists and our leaders appear determined to keep proving the adage true.

For my cartoons on the current state of impeachment, check out a gallery here.

Matt Davies is Newsday's cartoonist. 


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