James Mazzarella, Republican incumbent candidate for Suffolk County Legislature District...

James Mazzarella, Republican incumbent candidate for Suffolk County Legislature District 3. Credit: James Escher

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The 3rd District covers southeastern Brookhaven Town.

James F. Mazzarella admits that there's a "learning curve" to the county lawmaker job. But the Moriches Republican, who's completing his first full term after winning a special election in the spring of 2021, seems to be learning fairly quickly. 

As chair of the legislature's economic development, planning and housing committee, Mazzarella has dug in to some of the county's most significant issues and can rattle off key development projects he's tracking, including the potential for a solar farm and Metropolitan Transportation Authority train yard at the Lawrence Aviation Superfund site in Port Jefferson Station, the Smith Point Bridge replacement, housing and revitalization efforts in Bellport, and the ongoing Forge River sewer project. In his short time in office, Mazzarella, 57, also has focused on policing and the investigation into the county cyber hack.

Democrat Thaddeus I. O'Neill cares deeply about environmental issues and is particularly concerned about the legislature's inability to get the Water Quality Restoration Act on the ballot. A small-business owner who also runs an environmental nonprofit, he rightly points to concerns about speeding and reckless driving and emphasizes the need to better address the opioid crisis. The Brookhaven hamlet resident says it's worth examining national and international models of how the county can better handle its solid waste and promote affordable housing. But O'Neill, 47, lacks the specific understanding needed of both the county and his district in order to employ such ideas here.

Mazzarella has an opportunity to use his reasonable voice and detailed knowledge to move the county and district forward. But he should think bigger about the role the legislature can play and the work he can do on the county's significant needs, including police oversight and economic development. 

Newsday endorses Mazzarella.

ENDORSEMENTS ARE DETERMINED solely by the Newsday editorial board, a team of opinion journalists focused on issues of public policy and governance. Newsday’s news division has no role in this process.

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