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Readers make their cases for their presidential choice — why they are voting for former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris. Or, in some instances, why they are choosing neither.

Many of the letters were lengthy, with our writers not only touting their pick but criticizing the opponent. We edited those letters to express the essence of why they support their candidate. In selecting letters, we chose the ones that best articulate a specific point of view and those that would give readers the widest array of perspectives.

There are many messages expressed in this special election forum, and we invite your response. Please use our online form at or email your submission to

Take a read to learn what your neighbors are thinking, and tell us your reaction.

I will vote for neither candidate

I’ve always enjoyed talking politics in a calm and civil manner and appreciate other point of views. I’m not voting for former President Donald Trump. I also would never vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. So, I’m doing a write-in. Most would say that I’m wasting my vote. That’s true.

And, if we had a majority-wins system (which we should have), I would vote for Trump. While I think he’s a bad choice for so many reasons, I agree with most of his policies. But, living in New York, I believe he has no chance to win this state’s electoral votes.

So, because of that, no Trump votes will count here. I’d rather use my “wasted” vote for my own self-respect and for someone I respect and who can do the job as well or better than him.

— Keith Pernice, East Northport

My conundrum: Neither is qualified

This will be my 15th vote for president. I am registered as a Republican.

In presidential elections, I have voted 10 times for the Republican candidate and four times for the Democratic candidate. Truth be told, the last two of those 10 Republican votes were actually votes against the Democratic candidate rather than support for the Republican candidate. Sort of like choosing between the lesser of two evils.

Enter what I call my “Conundrum 2024.” Two major party candidates. One Democratic, one Republican. One female, one male. I see neither as qualified for the position of president. Worse than that, while Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump’s experience, character, personality, and overall incompetency flaws differ, neither is less “evil” than the other.

As a former national business consultancy owner, I would not hire either one for a leadership position, no less the position of president of the United States. Hence, the conundrum.

I cannot rationalize my integrity again by voting for the lesser of two evils — there is none. Do I write in a name? Do I leave it blank? How many others feel this way? Surely, I am not alone.

— Christopher Reilly, Manorville

WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO JOIN OUR DAILY CONVERSATION. Just go to and follow the prompts. Or email your opinion to Submissions should be no more than 200 words. Please provide your full name, hometown, phone number and any relevant expertise or affiliation. Include the headline and date of the article you are responding to. Letters become the property of Newsday and are edited for all media. Due to volume, readers are limited to one letter in print every 45 days. Published letters reflect the ratio received on each topic.


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