Dogs play at North Shore Animal League America last fall...

Dogs play at North Shore Animal League America last fall in Port Washington.  Credit: Howard Schnapp

ASPCA is a leader in protecting animals

Newsday readers should not be misled by the op-ed “Please throw local pet shelters a bone” [Opinion, April 8] from a sham think tank using false claims to advance its own interests.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a widely recognized leader in the protection of animals and combating cruelty across the nation and New York State.

Seventy-six cents of every dollar spent by the ASPCA goes toward services that directly advance our lifesaving mission, with most funding supporting U.S. shelters and rescues.

The ASPCA deploys teams and resources to Long Island communities at the request of local law enforcement and other animal welfare groups to assist with cases of suspected cruelty. Newsday reported on our helping rescue nearly 300 neglected animals from a Suffolk County hoarding situation [“Animals rescued from squalor,” News, Oct. 19, 2022].

The ASPCA has provided specialized training to Suffolk County prosecutors to help local law enforcement identify and prosecute crimes against animals.

Every year, the ASPCA’s hands-on work — in addition to our partnerships with hundreds of local shelters and rescues — directly impacts hundreds of thousands of animals, with our lasting solutions tackling the root causes of animal homelessness and suffering benefiting millions more.

— Stacy Wolf, Manhattan

The writer is senior vice president of ASPCA Policy, Response & Engagement.

Kids key element in bus ticket situation

Some drivers who were ticketed for allegedly passing a stopped school bus complained about their hearing dates [“Hitting brakes on bus stop cases,” News, March 22]. A crucial element was missing in the article: the students, some with severe disabilities, who daily get on and off the bus on their way to and from their homes.

While everyone is entitled to contest a ticket issued for passing a stopped school bus, it is no small coincidence that an earlier Newsday front-page story was about the increase in pedestrian deaths on Long Island.

Many of us have read stories about or witnessed drivers blazing through neighborhood streets, blowing past red lights, and ignoring school buses that are dropping off kids. The cameras have undoubtedly saved precious young lives, and that seems to have gotten lost in the coverage.

— Debora Thivierge, East Hills

The writer is executive director of The ELIJA Foundation, which serves caregivers and others who assist children with autism spectrum disorders.

I agree that pedestrians should be attentive [“Walkers should be wary of drivers,” Letters, March 28].

I also try to wear a bright hat to be more visible in the crosswalk.

Drivers also need to pay attention. While I was recently riding on a bus, the car next to us had a driver who was texting with both hands while his car was rolling forward.

There needs to be cooperation on both sides, pedestrians and drivers.

— Sue Blaisdell, Huntington Station

Having been victimized by red-light fines, I am outraged by this continuing cash grab program while enforcement of catching aggressive and reckless drivers on our roadways is ignored [“ ‘Ghost cars’ to be targeted by task force,” News, March 13].

The time has long passed when effective technology and punishing fines and penalties should be employed to control what has become madness on our roadways, especially the Long Island Expressway and Northern State and Southern State parkways.

There is an immediate need to identify offending drivers with the type of technology that collects our tolls on bridges and, now, with congestion pricing. Perhaps red-light funds can be redirected for this purpose.

Police patrols in both marked and unmarked vehicles must be increased. If this means more police recruiting and higher property taxes, that is a small price to pay for roadway safety.

— Herb Leibow, Melville

Find ways to keep Amityville school open

The Amityville school district has another budget crisis [“Amityville schools facing added deficit,” News, April 12]. This is a community issue and as a community, we can all do our part. We can save some teachers’ jobs and keep Northeast Elementary School open.

Taxpayers can pay a little more. Teachers can agree to cut their salaries by, say, 5% and pay a little more into their health care. I’m confident there is more that can be done, but this would be a good start.

As we are always reminded that it’s about the children. Now is our time to prove it.

— Chris Connors, Amityville

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