David Jakubonis is taken into custody by Monroe County sheriff deputies...

David Jakubonis is taken into custody by Monroe County sheriff deputies on July 21 after attacking gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin, who was speaking in upstate Perinton. Credit: AP/WHEC-TV via AP

Attack on Zeldin yields different views

Perhaps there’s no better way to illustrate the degradation of the rule of law under Democratic Party control in Albany than the assault attempt on Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin [“Federal charge in alleged Zeldin attack,” News, July 24].

Zeldin could have been seriously harmed. Within hours, the suspect was released without bail, thanks to the 2019 bail reform law, before being remanded to custody. Isn’t the primary responsibility of government to keep the peace and protect us from such mayhem?

To me, this is an indictment of the woke and defund the police movements. Escalation of crime and revolving-door non-justice has come to a head.

Steve Louro, Nissequogue

The statute cited in the attack on Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin applies to prosecuting any person who attacks a member of Congress. This situation should give Zeldin an opportunity to reflect. He has criticized the overreach of the U.S government going after the "patriots" who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6 and threatened to kill members of Congress. Did suspect David Jakubonis believe his action was patriotic?

Paul M. Murphy, Farmingdale

Gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin was lucky he was attacked in New York State, which has good gun laws to help prevent people from using assault weapons. And he's fortunate that he is a federal employee with good health care and that the justice against suspect David Jakubonis is moving swiftly. We should all be so lucky.

Peter Palmisano, Franklin Square

Manganos' delays ruining belief in justice system

Another expected appeal delay of the imprisonment of former Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano and his wife, Linda, is destructive to our very beliefs in the justice system and erodes whatever sense of fair play we barely believe in ["Judge denies bail for Manganos," News, July 22]. The monetary costs to the public, who ultimately fund this never-ending shameful process through taxes and fees, is exasperating enough, but it also emphasizes the great divide between people who are "connected" and us, between the haves and have-nots.

Where is the outrage from our elected officials from both parties? This shines a light on all of them and the lack of ethics protocols on the state and county levels.

Where are the voices of the State Court of Appeals judges? Do they not realize that confidence in the system is eroding as the same judicial candidates are offered across all party lines come election time?

Steven M. Walk, Great Neck

Trans rights question? Love who you love

Cathy Young writes that some LGBT activists state the “complex" questions of personal identity and sexual differences "must be accepted as a matter of basic dignity” ["We need a civil debate on trans rights," Opinion, June 22]. Therefore, to be fair and dignified, we are told we must accept the alternate reality. If we do not, it is insulting. For some, there is now fear of a possible civil lawsuit for discrimination. If a person’s new sexual identity is not accepted, we may be said to be cruelly judgmental and at fault for social rejection. Thus, during this time of an awakening of sexual identities, in contradicting this new rationale, I am the one considered delusional, irrational and bigoted. Despite my seeming delusional and bigoted, I will always say love who you love. That is rational enough for me and not complex to accept.

Pete Scott, Centerport

Pandemic loan would have helped us

It is beyond comprehension that the federal and state governments allowed this massive fraud to occur ["Learn lesson of pandemic fraud," Editorial, July 25]. What I did not see is questions regarding who was employed at the various government agencies responsible for receiving applications and verifying applicants (individuals and companies). Who let this happen? Will this gross incompetence and negligence go unchecked?

I am the president and founder of a Long Island catering company with three cafes. In September 2021, my accountant advised me to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan. I submitted to the Small Business Administration pages and pages of tax documents, personal information, identity verification and every requested corporate document. After nine months of back-and-forth with the SBA, it denied my request, stating: "Unverifiable Information: This can occur as a result of a failed identity verification . . . or if a client's device is associated with fraud."

I have been in business for 35 years, have lived at the same home address for 30 years, have 50 employees, possess a New York State liquor license, never committed a crime and could have used the disaster loan for legitimate purposes. It's sad.

Keith E. Davis, Southampton

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