WNBA star Brittney Griner listens through bars to the guilty...

WNBA star Brittney Griner listens through bars to the guilty verdict on drug charges Thursday while in a Russian courtroom cage. Credit: AP/Evgenia Novozhenina

Opposing views on swapping Griner

I’m sick and tired of the liberal media and politicians such as President Joe Biden telling Americans that Russian authorities are “wrongfully detaining” basketball star Brittney Griner [“Griner gets 9 years in prison,” News, Aug. 5].

She entered Russia with vape cartridges containing cannabis oil and was rightfully arrested because she committed a crime in Russia. This would also be a federal crime here as hashish and marijuana are still illegal under federal law.

Griner admitted having these vape pens in her possession, so how is that “wrongfully detaining” her? If a Russian committed a crime in the United States, our government would prosecute that person to the fullest extent of the law.

I’m also tired of celebrities getting special treatment, and I’m also tired of politicians using incidents such as this for political gain. It’s also ironic that two years ago, Griner called for the national anthem to be discontinued at WNBA games, yet she now finds her patriotic strength and hopes that our government makes a horrible prisoner exchange that will free a criminal Russian arms dealer in exchange for a basketball player and perhaps another American. That’s just shameful.

— Scott Tirone, Westbury

Brittney Griner is being wrongfully detained as a hostage of hostility in Russia. Holding her as a political pawn of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s chess game, is just as wrong as Putin’s unjust war in Ukraine. We need President Joe Biden to conduct a hostage swap to bring home Griner and other wrongfully detained hostages from Russia.

— The Rev. Arthur L. Mackey Jr., Roosevelt

Russia has had more athletes disqualified from the Olympics, and other world athletic contests, than any other country for the use of sports-enhancing drugs. When Russia hosted the Olympics in Sochi in 2014, they concocted a lab to test urine samples that had a small hidden window where they could replace the tainted urine of Russian athletes for clean urine.

Now, Russia acts self-righteous in cleaning up the rest of the world (mainly Americans) from using drugs. Russian President Vladimir Putin will go to any length to make others miserable.

— Roger Kaufmann, East Northport

LI residents must protect water usage

As chairman of the Long Island Water Conference, I appreciate the attention and care Newsday has given to water conservation [“Saving water is up to us,” Editorial, Aug. 4]. Water is and will always be our region’s most precious natural resource and, despite our aquifer being plentiful, we should never take its existence for granted. It is incumbent upon all Long Islanders to protect and conserve this resource that is vital for life.

Long Island water providers have worked tirelessly to educate and incentivize residents to improve water conservation habits. Many Long Island water providers have established rebate programs for smart irrigation controllers, created dedicated irrigation zones to mitigate peak demand, and put forth a host of other tips and guidance to successfully reduce residential water usage. Residents should reach out to their water provider to learn more.

When our region has common goals and puts forth a united effort, it will produce real results. As Long Islanders continue to adopt new water conservation tactics, current and future generations will reap the benefits.

— Kevin Durk, Port Jefferson Station

Suffolk should provide us with cooling centers

With the extreme heat and humidity this summer, it is disappointing that Suffolk County does not open any cooling centers for residents as Nassau County does [“Heat brings LI cooling centers,” News, July 24].

The county could at least open buildings on the Suffolk County Community College campuses. Instead, it leaves it up to each town. The result is few, if any, cooling centers in Suffolk.

I emailed the county about this, and it only recommended visiting beaches, libraries, malls, pools, water parks and friends or family with air-conditioning. That is not good enough.

Suffolk County needs to provide cooling centers,

— Nick Ziino, Ridge

Fondly recalling Scully’s perspective

I appreciate Newsday’s touching tribute to Hall of Fame broadcaster Vin Scully “Melodic voice of Dodgers,” Sports, Aug. 4].

It’s always tough to see the great ones pass, especially when they were a big part of one’s youth. I was one of the lucky ones to have listened to him broadcast baseball and football and golf, too.

Scully was also so enjoyable to hear being interviewed on local sports radio, bringing his unique perspective to many subjects, such as Sandy Koufax and Jackie Robinson.

— Kevin G. Collins, New Hyde Park

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