Just Sayin': Negotiating tickets, don't repeal program that helps physicians, bad behavior on TV

A stop sign led a reader to a Nassau County court. Credit: James Carbone
Don’t repeal program that helps physicians
At a time when supporting New Yorkers’ mental health is more crucial than ever, it’s perplexing why the proposed New York State budget includes repealing a program dedicated to physician health and wellness. This program isn’t funded by taxpayer dollars but by a surcharge paid by physicians to New York State as part of their licensing fees.
Established by state statute over 40 years ago, the Committee for Physician Health provides confidential assistance to physicians struggling with stress, substance abuse and other mental health disorders. It is a guiding light, helping physicians seek evaluation and treatment so they can provide top-notch care to their patients.
Doctors are people, too. We grapple with stress that can seep into our lives and affect our ability to perform our duties. This program has been vital in supporting physicians over the years. It is funded by physicians, for physicians.
As budget negotiations unfold, it is imperative to restore this critically needed funding. It’s not merely about policy; it’s about doing what’s morally right. Let’s ensure that doctors have the resources they need to thrive so they can continue serving their patients with compassion and excellence. That’s the cornerstone of good health care.
— Dr. Leslie Marino, Babylon
The writer is president of the Suffolk County Medical Society.
I learned I could negotiate a ticket
I received a questionable stop-sign ticket and went to night court in Nassau County to tell my side of the story. The prosecutor said I had a perfectly clean record and would reduce the fine to jaywalking: no points and a $150 fine. I did not know that you could negotiate a better deal until I went before the judge.
While awaiting my turn, a person in the exact same situation had the ticket dismissed with no fine. I thought about going back to talk to the prosecutor about this inequity, but I felt that it might not be in my best interest.
I felt even worse when I saw three individuals who each had four of his five tickets dismissed, and each then had his fifth ticket reduced to just a $50 fine. To me, this situation seemed like nothing more than a money grab. It isn’t right.
— Steve Bloch, Merrick
Don’t showcase those who do bad deeds
I watched a news program showing police arresting two climate activists who had dumped pink powder on glass cases displaying our Constitution at the National Archives Museum in Washington.
A while back, TV sports broadcasts stopped showing the people running or streaking on the field. It was determined the best way to stop these people was to stop showing them on TV, giving them a large audience. It seems to have worked and those incidents have decreased.
I have repeatedly seen on TV news channels people trying to damage art, historical artifacts, etc. because they think they are bringing awareness to climate change. I believe most people look at them unfavorably. The networks should stop giving them the audiences they are seeking. Maybe then, these people will go away and leave the rest of us to enjoy public displays.
— Tim Gallagher, Seaford
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