Health benefits play a significant role when considering a job...

Health benefits play a significant role when considering a job offer, and 77% say it helps determine whether they will stay in their current job, according to surveys. Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto/jwblinn

The Preserving Family Bonds Act was delivered to Gov. Kathy Hochul after passing the State Senate and Assembly. This bill had been vetoed in 2019. It must be vetoed again.

This bill provides Family Court judges the discretion to order contact between biological parents and their children after their parental rights have been terminated — after an adoption has been finalized. It often takes years to terminate parental rights, after the court has determined credible evidence of abuse, permanent neglect or abandonment. And also after the court has found that due diligent efforts were tried to reunify the children with their abusers.

Once an adoption is final, the adoptive parents are the child’s legal parents. And it is the child’s legal parents who should decide what is in the child’s best interests, not a judge.

Parental rights are not terminated in a day. It often takes years. The children should be able to heal, not risk having their healing scabs torn off. Children are entitled to permanency in a safe, loving home. There is a shortage of foster parents. If they can be dragged back into court at an abuser’s whim, who would want to do it?

— Faith Rousso, Roslyn

The writer is an attorney specializing in adoption law.

Insurance may cover crucial dentist visits

As an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, I have spent my professional career treating serious dental and oral health conditions — many, if not most, could have been avoided with proper preventative care and the knowledge that the very same preventative care is often available through employer-provided health insurance coverage.

Many patients fear going to the dentist, but they don’t realize that so many other chronic health conditions are due to or worsened by poor dental care, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and even certain cancers.

For these reasons, I encourage employers to educate their staff about the various aspects of employer-provided coverage and to take advantage of preventative care and screenings available to them. When employees are educated on these benefits, utilization increases and better health is achieved.

Some 68% of those surveyed say that health benefits play a significant role when considering a job offer, and 77% say it helps determine whether they will stay in their current job.

In short, employer-provided coverage is one of the greatest benefits employers can offer to recruit and retain the most talented employees, foster job satisfaction, and promote lifelong health.

— Dr. Keith Fisher, Smithtown

Appreciate workers who improved things

Labor Day is upon us on Monday, a day to love those who labor for the good of the many. It is also a time to think of all our fathers and mothers who worked long, hard hours and who fought for decent wages and reasonable hours so they could better provide for their families. So, this Labor Day, let’s say a prayer of thankfulness for how far workers have come.

— Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Bellerose

Call 911 if Amber person is spotted

A reader questioned the state Amber Alert system, particularly for adults [“OK, I spot the missing driver, then do what?”, Just Sayin’, Aug. 26]. He asked why the notification is there and what to do if he sees the missing car.

He should call 911. The more people who are aware of a missing person, the greater the probability the person will be found safe and sound and returned to the concerned family.

— Stephen J. Schneider, Lynbrook

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