Town park lifeguard Harrison Weitz leads a shark patrol at Point...

Town park lifeguard Harrison Weitz leads a shark patrol at Point Lookout in 2020. Credit: Corey Sipkin

Efficient driving a win-win for us all

Here is what we all need to do to further reduce the cost of energy and stop inflation in its tracks.

By continuing to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, we are all contributing to a potential win-win scenario. High energy costs have begun to change some of our behaviors, which has translated into a reduced price at the pump the past month [“Gasoline market starts to cool down,” LI Business, July 6].

By carefully shopping for where we purchase fuel, we will be rewarding those who pass on savings sooner than later. This will force laggards to also pass along savings sooner.

Lower discretionary consumption also helps the economy by allowing our energy sector to recover from supply chain disruptions. Another benefit from driving efficiently is lower emissions, which helps our environment.

This is something we can all do as a group regardless of our political preferences.

 — Patrick Ehmann, Ronkonkoma

Although we are past the winter heating season when demand significantly declines, home heating oil is currently selling for more than gasoline. It is disappointing that our elected officials have been silent and apparently have not questioned this. It is sad that those who heat with oil should be victimized by the petroleum industry.

 — Bill Whiteford, Babylon

NUMC can kicked down road, now . . .

Nassau University Medical Center, then known as Nassau County Medical Center, was a part of the Nassau County budget and hemorrhaging money more than 20 years ago [“Audit: A record deficit for NUMC operator,” News, July 10].

The county administration at the time, under former County Executive Thomas Gulotta and the newly created Nassau County Legislature — under Bruce Blakeman, the current county executive and then legislative presiding officer — kicked the can down the road and created a new public benefit corporation.

Unfortunately, finding funding for this losing proposition was challenging at best. Bonds issued by the newly created corporation were and are guaranteed by the county, and ultimately are paid for by the taxpayers. With this, the problem was removed from the county financial books, as some politicians are fond to do, making it the next official’s problem.

As fate would have it, Blakeman himself is “the next official” with no solution to a problem that bears his signature. Voters have short memories, and they will have to pay for that.

 — Michael J. Vicchiarelli, Eastport

If coach wants to pray, then let him

No taxpayer resource, asset or right to unfettered private thoughts, religious practice, etc., or any right at all, is in any way denied, usurped, infringed, vitiated or in any way diminished by allowing an individual to conduct his own private meditation on school grounds, or anywhere [“Court’s latest step in eroding democracy,” Letters, June 30].

To attempt to restrict or vilify the coach is not founded in any logical reason, law or idealistic social more. The knee-jerk reaction expressed is typical of a society lacking thought. It reflects the lack of knowledge that nowadays pervades (social) media and the attendant bickering. If the coach’s personal reflections scare you, more power to him.

 — Gary Lomp, Centerport

Town proposal on courts is reasonable

The Town of Oyster Bay’s proposal to reinstate a local court system for simple town code violations is a reasonable plan to address resident complaints [“Public hearing on court plan,” News, July 11].

It supports the premise of neighborhood watch to keep communities safe. While anonymous complaints ended with the new discovery law approved by the State Legislature, Oyster Bay’s new court would keep confidential the residents who file complaints about a problem property in their neighborhood. No one wants to live in fear of retribution from a neighbor.

I’m saddened to see Assemb. Charles Lavine (D-Glen Cove) take an anti-resident stand on this issue. His opposition to a court in the Republican-run Town of Oyster Bay indicates that political maneuvering continues to be more important than good government and helping ordinary citizens.

 — Ruka Anzai, Jericho

An explosive idea to deal with sharks

As someone who spent years growing up and swimming at the beaches on Fire Island, it is disheartening to see the problem with the sharks [“Unprecedented predators in waters of LI,” News, July 11].

Why not have the Coast Guard and/or the police fly helicopters, or even use drones, over the waters looking for the sharks to do this: If sharks are spotted, then an explosive device can be dropped between the shore and the shark. The intent is not to kill the sharks, but to scare them away.

 — Brian Keane, Patchogue

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