World War II veteran Dominick Critelli, 103, still plays the saxophone with...

World War II veteran Dominick Critelli, 103, still plays the saxophone with the 17-piece band he formed in the 1970s. Credit: Newsday/John Paraskevas

Here’s how to deal with traffic at JFK

If Port Authority executive director Rick Cotton wants to encourage passengers headed to Kennedy Airport to use mass transit, instead of making an urgent appeal, he should take several concrete actions [“Mass transit urged for trips to JFK,” News, May 24]:

  • Eliminate the fare on the AirTrain, instead of increasing it, and widely promote the convenient and free connection to subways and regional rail to Penn Station, Grand Central Madison and Brooklyn, as well as Long Island.
  • Replace the counterproductive parking fees, especially the expensive minimum multihour charge, with cheaper real-time charges by the minute, which would provide incentive for not slowly circulating or loitering in front of terminals.
  • Charge the lowest fee for vehicles in parking lots, including cellphone waiting-area lots. Perhaps one cent per minute, for every minute, with a one-cent minimum and no maximum. This is where motorists should be encouraged to wait for arriving air passengers.
  • Charge the highest amount for vehicles on terminal frontage roadways. Perhaps one dollar per minute — or more, if needed to ensure no congestion. Buses with at least 20 seats could have the first five minutes free at each terminal.
  • Charge an intermediate amount for vehicles on other airport roadways. Perhaps 50 cents per minute.
  • Ensure that all three sets of prices are conspicuous and clearly communicated. They should be updated as needed.

— Mayer Horn, Dix Hills

The writer managed planning for the state Department of Transportation in New York City and on Long Island.

Memo to the architects and engineers designing the two new international terminals at Kennedy Airport:

Spend more time and money on the design and construction of pickup and drop-off areas that work, and figure out how to efficiently get travelers through security. Do both of these rather than create monumental masterpieces.

— Howie Weinick, Woodmere

Weinstein reversal: It’s the court’s fault

Your editorial “Need new law to fight sex crimes” [Opinion, May 24] advocates for the enactment of new legislation to address the reversal of Harvey Weinstein’s conviction.

The problem is with those who ignored well-established precedent in overturning the conviction — the New York State Court of Appeals.

The basis that Weinstein’s previous conduct should have been excluded is a sharp departure from previous rulings and is the result of the court’s shift to the left.

We can thank the Democratic legislature for rejecting Gov. Kathy Hochul’s original choice for chief justice and forcing her to substitute him with a jurist apparently more concerned with the rights of a sexual predator than those of abused women.

— John J. Vizzi, East Northport

World War II veteran is a hero personified

I lived next door to Dominick Critelli in Floral Park for 20 years [“WWII vet receiving French Legion of Honor,” Long Island, May 27]. He was always there to lend a hand or supply a tool. He even made me a toolbox, which I still have.

He is a kind and caring man. In all those years he never mentioned what he did in the war, much like my father. It wasn’t until I returned to Floral Park for his parade three years ago, when he turned 100, that I learned of his heroic deeds.

The word “hero” is used too much today. He’s quoted as saying, “I am not a hero.” Dominick Critelli is a true American hero.

— Bob Horsham, Ridge

I had to wait days for word of Bronx rally

Newsday constantly detailed the hush money trial of former President Donald Trump. Many a day it was the main front-page headline.

On Friday, I was eager to read about Trump’s peaceful Bronx rally a day earlier. No Republican had campaigned in the Bronx since President Ronald Reagan. I couldn’t believe that the paper had not a word about it until Sunday [“Candidates seek minority votes,” News, May 26].

— Joanne Urban, Wantagh

Man needed to get immediate assistance

I was appalled to read in “Getting ‘second chance,’ ” Long Island, May 22] that the survivor was in an MRI machine, felt quite ill, pushed the panic button and was instructed to remain in the machine.

What kind of care was this by the people operating the machine?

They should have stopped the machine, called 911 and removed him immediately.

— Rhona Silverman, Huntington Station

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