A cyclist uses the paved path built alongside Route 347...

A cyclist uses the paved path built alongside Route 347 near Mount Pleasant Road in Smithtown on April 18, 2018. Credit: James Carbone

I’ve read a few complaints about the Route 347 reconstruction project in Suffolk County. However, I’m a fan of the multiuse path alongside this highway.

Many motorists on Long Island find people exercising along the roadways — cycling or running — to be a nuisance. Cycling as a means of transit is a hallmark of desirable places to live.

This safe path along Route 347 is a step in the right direction for Suffolk as a desirable place to live for active people, or those who prefer not to drive.

Brendan Martin, Smithtown

Yes, family activities can include chores

Recently, a TV commercial for a home-cleaning service caught my attention. The ad depicted a 6- or 7-year-old girl speaking about feeling ignored by her parents as they were busy cleaning, washing dishes, etc., on the weekend. The commercial went on to say that hiring a cleaning person would be the answer.

I found this commercial absurd and sickening.

Yes, children do grow up fast, but with a sense of entitlement, as if each day is centered around them. Children need to be encouraged to participate in family activities, which despite what they see and hear, should include helping parents around the house, especially on weekends.

The necessity to squeeze so much housework and home maintenance into the weekend is due to the fact that in most families, parents work during the week.

Parents, especially moms, have endured tremendous guilt. Now, they can add yet another guilt trip to the list: cleaning instead of spending time with children on weekends. This is nuts.

Nancy J. Rooney, Bay Shore


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