A sign indicating the presence of a red-light camera is...

A sign indicating the presence of a red-light camera is seen in Baldwin on May 7, 2014. Credit: Newsday / Thomas A. Ferrara

Accidents show that red-light cameras need adjustments

The red-light camera system has the potential to be an effective mechanism to help the public [“Accidents and red-light cameras,” News, April 10]. However, it’s obvious the main impetus was revenue.

The data showing an increase in injury accidents at 44 of 100 Suffolk intersections is evidence the system needs modification. I disagree that siting cameras at certain intersections needs to be re-evaluated. The system needs to be re-evaluated in its entirety.

I’ve driven for 41 years on Long Island. In observation, most of the red-light-camera intersections give inadequate notice to drivers. The locals are probably aware of the cameras, but mix in the aggressive, hurrying types, and this is a recipe for accidents. The knowledgeable people probably stop short at the first hint of a yellow light, and the un-knowledgeable driver gets caught off-guard and rear-ends the car ahead of him or her.

Another reason may be short yellow lights. Extending the length of a yellow light could provide drivers a comfortable amount of time to stop. Many lights change to red way too quickly, which adds to the anxiety of the overly cautious driver.

Last, the strobe lights on the red-light cameras are obnoxious. They are blinding and rude.

If it is set up considerately and properly, I will support the red-light cameras, though not in the present state.

Michael Sullivan

Garden City


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