Letter: Blame drivers, not cameras, for crashes

A sign indicating the presence of a red-light camera is seen in Baldwin on May 7, 2014. Credit: Newsday / Thomas A. Ferrara
I disagree with the letter “Accidents show that red-light cameras need adjustments” [April 24].
According to Newsday’s story “Accidents and red-light cameras” [News, April 10], accidents went down overall by 4.2 percent, and accidents also declined at 56 percent of the intersections where the cameras were installed. So, it’s disingenuous to cite the figure that injury accidents increased at 44 of the 100 intersections.
Second, the data are from 2014, which was relatively early in the red-light program. I would surmise, but do not know, that the accident rates will fall further as people become aware that they can no longer drive irresponsibly.
Rear-end collisions are a function of three things: inattention, following too closely or driving too fast for conditions. End of story.
If a child or other pedestrian suddenly entered the intersection, and someone in front of you stopped in time but you hit that vehicle, would you blame the pedestrian or other driver?
George Lasher, Commack