Letter: Clinton answered email questions

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Sen. Tim Kaine are expected to release their 2015 tax returns within the coming days, according to a source close to Clinton. Credit: Getty Images / Alex Wong
I was surprised and disturbed by the editorial “. . . and Clinton’s trust deficit” [Aug. 2]. It stated, “Our view is that she should acknowledge her mistakes and apologize.”
Hillary Clinton has not only apologized and acknowledged her mistake, but she said she is sorry for using her private email server. When confronted with tapes where FBI director James Comey is asked questions about her veracity, she pointed out that she was interviewed for many hours, and he stated that she never lied to the FBI.
If you wonder about why she has a trust issue, all you have to do is look at the constant bombardment by the media on that issue, including Newsday saying that she has not apologized or owned up to a mistake. Clinton has apologized and has conceded it was a mistake.
Rony Kessler, Franklin Square