Emergency workers rescued a man trapped for two hours when...

Emergency workers rescued a man trapped for two hours when a trench he was digging caved in on him at a Nanuet house Friday. (Nov. 23, 2012) Credit: Elizabeth Daza

Last year, I registered my husband, who was on oxygen 24/7, with LIPA's Critical Care Program, as well as with the fire and police departments ["Power outages threaten lives," News, Nov. 12].

When Irene arrived, we lost electricity with no way to power his oxygen concentrator. All LIPA did was call to tell us to make other arrangements for my husband's care, i.e., to go stay with a family member or friend. However, no one we knew had power. This happened again with Sandy.

What is the point of registering a loved one with LIPA's service? The agency does nothing other than to call and tell you what you already know. No one helps, not even the fire or police departments. You are completely on your own.

Ellen Atkins, Huntington


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