When Jillian Given found her mother, Elizabeth Given, passed out...

When Jillian Given found her mother, Elizabeth Given, passed out inside their home on Sept. 16, 2013, authorities say the 5-year-old Ronkonkoma girl remained "calm and collected." Jillian dialed 911 and informed first responders of her mother's state and that she is diabetic. Credit: Newsday / John Paraskevas

Reading the story of how Jillian Given called 911 and saved her mom, Elisabeth, brought back memories for me ["With her diabetic mom unconscious, girl, 5, calls 911," News, Sept. 26].

In 1965, I was 19 with my parents on Cape Cod, Mass. We stayed with friends who had no phone. My dad had a fatal coronary infarction. I ran to a pay phone and called for help.

The dispatcher didn't believe me and said I sounded very young. He told me to call my dad's doctor in Boston. He said the doctor had to call, then help would be dispatched. Unfortunately, by the time "help" came, it was too late.

I was so happy to read that Jillian's call was taken seriously and that her mom is fine. Progress!

Trudy Rose Brody, Kings Park


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