Letter: GOP is naturally pessimistic now

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks at his South Carolina Republican presidential primary rally in Columbia, S.C. on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2016. He ended his White House bid. Credit: AP / Matt Rourke
It’s only natural that Republicans would be pessimistic and Democrats optimistic in this election for president [“Make optimism the strategy,” Editorial, Feb. 7].
The sitting president is a Democrat. Ronald Reagan attacked Jimmy Carter’s policies and won. George H.W. Bush ran on Reagan’s popularity and won.
President Barack Obama is not popular, and Republicans and independents are not happy with his presidency and do not want to see more of the same.
They are pessimistic about the country continuing on a progressive path, just as Obama and the Democrats were pessimistic about continuing on George W. Bush’s path.
Republicans are optimistic about what they will do if they win. They envision an economy that will grow faster, lower poverty and give more opportunities to minorities. They see a country with a stronger military that will protect our safety and interests, and they support a more robust foreign policy.
Republicans envision a smaller, more efficient government that will function as it should, without the waste and unconstitutional power it has now. They see a country that will allow Americans to feel good about the future and believe in the American dream again. There is nothing pessimistic about that!
Gregg Freedner, Ronkonkoma