LIPA power plants towers are seen at sunset over Port...

LIPA power plants towers are seen at sunset over Port Jefferson's harbor. (Oct. 28, 2010) Credit: Newsday/Jessica Rotkiewicz

Bravo and kudos to the Retail Energy Supply Association's stand against the monopolistic practice of keeping competing electric service companies out of the Long Island market ["Complaint: LIPA 'stymied' rivals," News, March 10].

How is it that since deregulation in 1996, the Long Island Power Authority appears to be the only utility in New York to not allow and encourage other electric service companies to thrive? That says volumes about the culture within LIPA.

Many people speculate that the only reason this monopolistic practice has been quietly tolerated by state regulators is because of a deal between state lawmakers and the powerful utility to make up the $6-billion loss from the failed Shoreham nuclear power plant.

Long Island residents and businesses have been paying higher electricity rates because of incompetence and mismanagement for two decades. Not only should competing electric service companies be allowed to flourish on Long Island, potentially lowering the cost of living and business, but LIPA should be forced to pay rebates.

Luana Mango Dunn, Medford


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