In this photo made with a long exposure, blades on...

In this photo made with a long exposure, blades on wind turbines spin to produce electricity at a wind farm near Ellsworth, Kan., on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015. Credit: AP / Charlie Riedel

I was pleased to read about the record year for U.S. renewable energy generation in 2015 [“Solar power generation sets a record,” News, Feb. 23]. The explosive growth in solar power on Long Island has created a wide group of beneficiaries, from homeowners to businesses. It’s a great example of how good government planning can spur on industry.

The New York Sun Initiative was one launching point for this windfall, and it is time we had a similar program for offshore wind. As the report in the story stated, land-based wind was the fastest growing energy source in 2015. It seems Long Islanders will miss a huge opportunity if we don’t aggressively start to cultivate our offshore wind resource.

We could create jobs, especially on the East End, while addressing our peak demand problem. Long Island is well positioned to become a regional leader.

Nicole Clarke, Levittown


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