Members of the media camp outside the US Supreme Court...

Members of the media camp outside the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC. (June 21, 2012) Credit: Getty Images

Quite possibly the worst single ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in our country's history was the Citizens United ruling in 2010 that has opened the floodgates for corporate donations in elections. Corporations are laughably deemed to be "individuals" by the court.

This ruling was made even worse by the Supreme Court saying to the State of Montana that it could no longer place limitations on any individual or corporate donations to state or local campaigns ["Health law survives," News, June 29]. Montana has had stringent campaign finance legislation for the past 100 years.

I am utterly disgusted at this pair of rulings. I resent the fact that our sitting president has to be forced to spend a never-ending amount of time to raise money to keep pace with Mitt Romney's corporate and billionaire supporters, whose only concern is their bottom line.

If President Barack Obama got a second term, and a conservative justice retires or dies, we could get another justice who is up to the task of following established law to help restore our democracy. The current Supreme Court has made us regress to the United States of the 19th century, and it is pitiful.

Joshua Schulman, Middletown


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