Letter: Outrage over soldier's death
As a father who lost a son several years ago as he was about to enter the military, my heart goes out to the Buckley family on the loss of their son, Lance Cpl. Greg Buckley Jr., who seemed to be a fine Marine ["Goodbye to LI Marine," News, Aug. 19].
Here is where I'm confused. In the past, when an American soldier has killed Afghans, it has become an international incident. Afghanistan's president, Hamid Karzai, and other Afghan leaders became outraged and demanded justice.
The recent killing of U.S. servicemen by an Afghan in a training group produces no such outrage! Where is the outcry from Karzai for justice? Indeed, where is the outcry from our own leaders?
Newsday also has been sadly silent. Why are Afghan lives more important than the lives of our own young? I can't believe that I am the only person who sees this.
It is time for our leaders and our media to stand up for our own brave soldiers and their families.
Ray Dawson, Huntington