Regarding "Obama's mea culpa" [Editorial, Nov. 15], what we are all failing to address is that the president is either a bald-faced liar for speaking as if he, or some one from his administration, had actually read the bill, or, he's a bald-faced liar for promising the American people something he knew to be absolutely false.

Every single member of Congress who supported this bill abused the public trust by either voting on something they had no knowledge of, or voting for this bill despite their knowledge of what was in it. Seems to me that former President Richard Nixon may have been the last elected official with a spine. And he resigned for far less egregious actions.

Tom D'Antonio, Northport

In "Obamacare and presidential lies" [Letters, Nov. 17], one writer says the president's "miscues" are among the "biggest presidential deceptions in history." Really? Not Watergate, Iran-Contra, "read my lips, no new taxes," or weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

See if you can detect the common thread.

Paul Pepe, Massapequa

Obama lied; health care policies died!

Robert Peglow, Franklin Square

I believe that President Barack Obama swore to uphold the Constitution. If so, how can he unilaterally prescribe a "fix" to the Affordable Care Act, since it was passed by Congress?

I believe this was a calculated political move to help his fellow Democrats. Congress should now discuss his suggestions and decide on appropriate legislation. Moves such as this, and other unilateral actions by Obama, undermine our democratic system. There are three branches of government, all intended to provide checks and balances to one another.

Lionel Mailloux, Manhasset

Opening stores on Thanksgiving

Retailers are taking flak for opening earlier on Thanksgiving Day ["Stores shouldn't open on holiday," Letters, Nov. 8].

It's sad that more than 1 million retail workers will see little of their families, but blaming retailers for being greedy or anti-holiday is misplaced. Retail is hyper-competitive, and this year retailers face challenges that include a shortened holiday shopping season, consumer confidence that's nearly the lowest it's been in two years, and increased competition from online shopping.

Retailers are not leading an assault on a sacred American holiday. They're following shifts in consumer behavior. People between ages 18 and 34 are increasingly demonstrating that their shopping is holiday-agnostic: 36 percent reported shopping last Thanksgiving.

If anyone is to blame for "stealing" Thanksgiving, it's the consumer, whose behavior has become more untraditional, thanks to the Internet and changing generational attitudes. Retailers opening their doors earlier is nothing more than accommodating customers, many of whom dread the prospect of getting up early on Black Friday to battle the crowds.

If consumers don't like where this new world is taking us, they have the power of the wallet. Consumers who object to a store opening on Thanksgiving can shop on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, or refrain from spending altogether.

Mark Simon, Mineola

Editor's note: The writer is an executive vice president at Didit, an online marketing agency.

I am appalled at the number of stores that intend to open up early on Thanksgiving Day. We are losing sight of what the holiday is all about: reflecting on our blessings and spending time with family and friends.

It is not a time where we now have to gobble down dinner and then get ready for work or, worse yet, run to a store. Something has to be done about this madness.

Marie Gandini, East Meadow

Sharing student data's dangerous

State Education Commissioner John B. King Jr. continues to mislead parents by spouting useless rhetoric on laws against the illegal use or sale of students' records once transferred into the new database ["Trying to block shift of student records," News, Nov. 14].

No law has ever prevented a crime by words alone. Who will have access to this database? Anyone who says he or she needs it for "public safety." Hence, that could mean access by the National Security Agency, the CIA, the FBI, state and local governments and more. Furthermore, this database could be hacked! Databases all over the world are hacked for criminal purposes and espionage. And once that data is out there, it is for sale to the highest bidder!

Whether now or 30 years from now, that data could be used to determine if our children can be hired, if they can own firearms, with whom they associated and more. The threat is real. It is here now! Any parent who wants to ensure the safety of a child from further government control and spying must oppose and defeat this plan.

Larry Cowden, South Hempstead


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