The Long Island Yacht Club, seen here on Dec. 23,...

The Long Island Yacht Club, seen here on Dec. 23, 2015, was a Babylon Village institution since 1958. It closed earlier this month due to falling membership and high upkeep costs, according to club officials. Credit: Daniel Goodrich

As a 17-year summer member of the Long Island Yacht Club, I’m sadden by the news that the club has closed its doors [“57-year-old yacht club closes,” News, Dec. 29].

Mark Twain once said that reports of his death had been greatly exaggerated. I’m hopeful that the same can be said of the yacht club. Other members and I are hoping there will be a rebirth.

The article states that there are 14 full members of the club. There are many more who belong under different memberships, such as associate, tri-season, senior, summer and junior. We remain committed to saving the club, and we are optimistic that we can do so.

Vincent Mulieri, Babylon



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