Kristen Jarnagin, new president of the Long Island Convention and...

Kristen Jarnagin, new president of the Long Island Convention and Visitors Bureau and Sports Commission, at her office in Hauppauge Credit: Heather Walsh

As a lifelong Long Islander, I take exception to the vision of the new president of the Long Island Convention & Visitors Bureau and Sports Commission [“Tourism chief would like a mega resort on LI,” News, Jan. 4].

Kristen Jarnagin claims that to boost tourism, Long Island needs a “mega resort.” She doesn’t seem to grasp that people come to Long Island specifically to get away from that type of environment. Long Island is the mega resort.

Our many beaches, our quaint village centers, our local theater, farmlands and wine country couldn’t be contained in a mega resort. Further, on what nonexistent parcel does Jarnagin plan to locate this?

Lenny G. Ancona, Centereach






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