Letter: Trump oblivious to hardship of federal employees

Transportation Security Administration officer Darby Finch checks boarding passes and identification at Logan International Airport in Boston on Dec. 23. TSA employees continue to work without pay during the partial federal shutdown. Credit: AP / Michael Dwyer
I agree that members of Congress should not get paid during the partial federal shutdown [“Thoughts on the wall and the shutdown,” Letters, Dec. 27].
This is so upsetting for all those involved. Two members of our family work for the Transportation Security Agency and won’t get paid until the president’s temper tantrums go away. My family has children and household bills. The banks don’t care too much that you don’t have a paycheck.
Perhaps President Donald Trump should go several weeks without all his money and comforts and see how that goes. It’s always the little people who suffer. The rich go on as if it’s just another day.
Camille Morselli, Islip Terrace
LIRR’s priority should be running on time
Thank you for a great laugh as I read the Dec. 21 news story about electronic tickets, “LIRR: Riders may be charged extra if their tickets not ready.”
That’s if they come around.
Commuters’ cellphone batteries can run low waiting for inefficient conductors to decide to check. I believe conductors have the easiest jobs in America. What exactly do they do?
If Long Island Rail Road is interested in making more money, it should learn from the airlines and charge for oversized items that can injure passengers, such as backpacks, bicycles and surfboards.
Maybe the LIRR should figure out ways to run on time and offer riders a cleaner and safer environment.
Bobby Jurist, Long Beach
Why no photos of Nativity scenes?
I enjoyed the holiday light show photos in LI Life [Dec. 16 and 23]. They were very pretty — but sad!
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. I didn’t see that event clearly reflected in any of the photos you showed.
Beverley Hubbard, Islip
Radio stations are bullied into censorship
Columnist Lane Filler succinctly pointed out that the Frank Loesser song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” was written in 1944, an era with differences in what would be considered “politically correct” compared with modern times [“Song’s swirling debate misses point,” Opinion, Dec. 13]. Why are we such a nation of snowflakes, so easily offended and overly sensitive?
If you don’t like something you hear on the radio, you can be outraged or you can simply change the station. However, that outrage results in my not having the opportunity to choose what I like because radio stations are bullied into what amounts to censorship.
Can’t we just live and let live and not be so judgmental? After all, most of the time, we do have a choice.
Ronald Catropa, Malverne