Former New York Islanders executive Stephen Walsh leaves federal court...

Former New York Islanders executive Stephen Walsh leaves federal court in Manhattan on Oct. 29, 2014, after being sentenced to 20 years in prison on a guilty plea to a $50 million fraud. Credit: Bryan Smith

Regarding "Financier gets 20 years in fraud" [News, Oct. 30], Stephen Walsh pleaded guilty to bilking $50 million from investors over 13 years, and he's surprised by a maximum sentence of 20 years?

If he had walked into a bank and handed a teller a note demanding money, netting the average bank robbery amount of about $7,500, he could serve 5 years to life.

Why would he be allowed to seek grounds to change his plea? How can anyone look at this and not see two unequal ways of dealing with types of individuals?

Robert Gregory, Northport


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