Letter: Witnesses are needed to end corruption

Acting Nassau County District Attorney Madeline Singas on Sept. 16, 2015 said her office would provide new funding for the treatment of heroin addicts who survive near-fatal overdoses -- the first such program ever funded by Nassau prosecutors, officials said. Singas is seen here on Aug. 27, 2015 in Mineola. Credit: Howard Schnapp
Let’s hope the FBI can get restaurateur Harendra Singh to sing about all the politicians in Nassau County and Oyster Bay governments [“Singh is jailed pending trial,” News, Dec. 18].
Or maybe Nassau District Attorney Madeline Singas can find a little bird in one or more of the government cesspools in Nassau County to sing a tune about corruption.
Then Nassau taxpayers might sing, sing, sing a happy tune when corrupt people are locked up, and the messes they left in their cages on Long Island are cleaned up for good.
William Hastback, Smithtown