Letters: Debating Obama’s legacy
Democrats and others who blame the GOP for a “do nothing Congress” should realize that Republicans who were elected were sent to Washington after campaigning on a platform to oppose the far-left Obama agenda [“Do-nothing Congress led by GOP,” Letters, Aug. 16]. This is why they were elected!
Republicans have been successful in doing what they were elected to do: stopping the Obama administration and congressional Democrats from expanding the socialist welfare state and other socialist goals on the Democratic agenda, like huge tax increases and increased social welfare spending.
In the days of Ronald Reagan and the Bush presidencies, liberal Democrats called themselves the loyal opposition.
James Wood, North Babylon
A recent letter writer expressed his anger at President Barack Obama for exchanging “five Taliban members for one Army sergeant who was probably a deserter” [“Obama’s supporters forget blunders,” Letters, Aug. 21].
When an American puts on the uniform and is deployed overseas to defend us, it’s our responsibility to do everything possible to bring him or her home. We don’t leave our soldiers behind for any reason.
If this soldier broke the military code of discipline, then he will be tried by an American court-martial. It’s no one else’s place to pass judgment and say leave him behind. When did our anger or political disagreements become more important than being an American?
Kenneth Cusick, Bayside