Migrants arrive at a religious house of hospitality in El...

Migrants arrive at a religious house of hospitality in El Paso, Texas, on Monday after being released by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to await adjudication of their requests for asylum. Credit: Getty Images / Joe Raedle

I read with interest “Readers weigh in on the wall” [Opinion, Jan. 10]. I noticed that no writer, pro or con, mentioned the realities of building the wall. One ought to ask how many miles of border wall already exist. How many more miles must be constructed? What is the terrain? What are the logistics? What are the political issues to be overcome? Where would the wall be situated where the Rio Grande is the border? How are we to compensate private landowners whose land must be taken? How long would it take to build, and how much would it actually cost?

Before such massive construction, there are considerably more questions to be asked — and answered by experts. Why aren’t more folks posing these questions? Who buys a product without knowing what it is?

Betty Simon, East Northport

The government is making people work without pay. So when was the 13th Amendment to the Constitution repealed? It eliminated slavery and involuntary servitude.

Sheldon Wortzman, North Bellmore

What is wrong with Congress? President Donald Trump campaigned for and promised to build a wall on the Southern border to stem the flow of people entering illegally. Didn’t he win the election on many such promises? Didn’t he also promise to have Mexico pay for the wall?

Well, go after him. Do a media blitz, make him keep his promise and get a check from Mexico and tell him, if he does, Congress will match it with money for border security. Stop this nonsense of going back and forth with no progress toward reopening the government.

Ralph Fierro Jr., Kings Park

Eight hundred thousand federal employees without pay! Would it kill mortgage companies, banks, utilities and credit card companies to help out these families by not sending bills, or give them a break for a month on payments until they get on their feet again? Republicans and this president are hurting families that live paycheck to paycheck. Financial institutions can give these people a break with their bills. Great public relations!

James Klein,East Patchogue

When I opened Newsday on Jan. 10, I was reminded why I’m proud to live on Long Island, and why the United States always has been great! Fifty-three students were honored by the Regeneron Scholars research competition [“Pride of the Island,” News]. They represent what this country is all about.

Build a wall? Fortunately, these students are building something much more important.

Mark Gold, Lynbrook

Our government is in a semi-shutdown because a bunch of people are trying to enter our country by ways other than the legislated channels that legally allow about a million immigrants each year. But they are beyond following rules. So a bunch of foreign lawbreakers are the cause for our political system to melt down, and millions of U.S. citizens are suffering — some (our federal workers) more than others.

Is this not insanity?

Michael J. Genzale, Shoreham

President Donald Trump’s address to America last week was a well-delivered, common-sense speech on a critical issue. A secure Southern border is mandatory to stem the flow of people coming illegally, as well as drugs, criminals and terrorists who threaten our civil society. As a sovereign nation, we must control who enters our borders and protect citizens first. That is the primary function of government.

The Democrats know this; however, they choose to play politics with America’s future, as witnessed by their rebuttal to the president. It was a disgraceful display of partisan politics that any American should be ashamed of. Let’s hope they come to their senses and start thinking about U.S. citizens first.

Kenneth P. Lebeck, Plainview

After reading reader letters in support of Donald Trump’s folly, I can only hope there is enough money in the budget to build a wall around Long Island — not to prevent immigrants from getting in, but to keep all of these fearful and misinformed people from getting out.

Steven Prisco, East Northport

I am a registered Republican who has no party anymore. We have a president and Republican members of Congress who talk about immigrants who are here illegally and kill Americans. Why don’t they stop taking money from the National Rifle Association and do something about gun control? My guess is more Americans die each year from too many illegally and even legally held guns in the hands of Americans.

Robert Mirman, Bayport

Sen. Chuck Schumer should get his facts straight instead of blaming President Donald Trump for everything. I have been trying to get the shingles vaccine for at least eight months [“Sen. Schumer links shutdown, shingles,” News, Jan. 8]. The shortage existed before the shutdown; it has to do with manufacturing delays and high demand [“Vaccine for shingles in short supply,” News, Dec. 13].

It is supposed to snow soon. According to Schumer, is that also Trump’s fault?

Grace Caputo,Bayville



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