Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley, center, leads a hearing...

Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley, center, leads a hearing for the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Cavanaugh on Sept. 13. Credit: AP / Andrew Harnik

There is no doubt that Christine Blasey Ford must be heard, but I am astounded that so many people who have no more information than you or me have reached the irrevocable conclusion that Brett Kavanaugh is unfit and should be denied a seat on the Supreme Court [“Kavanaugh gives his version,” News, Sept. 25].

I would add that any man who votes for a Democrat is committing gender suicide. This political party has become dominated by people who have absolutely no concern for the rights of men who are accused by women of anything sexually improper. Its motto should be: “Let’s give him a fair trial and then hang him.”

Peter Kelly, Medford

My concern is for Christine Blasey Ford, who I believe has suffered for years due to alleged actions by Brett Kavanaugh. She never wanted to speak about it, but because Kavanaugh could be elevated to the Supreme Court for the rest of his life, she expressed her concern for the potential injustices he might or could perpetrate on others.

I was an active member of Voice of the Faithful, a Catholic activist group, for years and heard very personal and horrendous stories of people traumatized in their youth and after by sexual offenders. I heard it in Albany at lobbying sessions and at private group meetings. This is a lifelong pain. What kind of justice of our Supreme Court would Kavanaugh make if he truly injured Ford in their youth and doesn’t understand the ramifications of his actions? Would he honestly understand similar experiences at hearings?

An FBI investigation should take place. How can it hurt? It can only clarify, so why not conduct it? It’s too important to not rush. Stepping away before stepping up might be the most honorable and dignified action with which Kavanaugh could bless this honorable title of Supreme Court justice.

Penny Duggan, Massapequa

Should an essentially good and talented person be prevented from doing good because he/she is accused of having done evil in the distant past? Thankfully, senators couldn’t prevent sinners like Sts. Ignatius, Francis and Augustine from doing great good. May the Senate approve the right candidates for whom they are now and not reject them because they were not perfect.

Robert Walsh, Floral Park

A letter writer criticized women who wait to allege sexual abuse only when the “abuser” is a successful person. That showed precisely why coming forward is difficult for many women. Right off the bat, they’re put on the defensive as if they did something wrong. The fact that the letter was written by a woman who had been abused herself shows how insidious patriarchal thinking is.

“Why did you wait so long?” is not what we should ask, nor should “How do we protect all the unfairly accused men?” be our first priority.

Christine Blasey Ford has nothing to gain from this. Our first priority should be to listen to her and all victims of abuse.

Erik Bresnihan, Coram

A reader commented that some women come forward with allegations many years after the alleged incident, and only when the alleged abuser becomes famous. The comment begs the question. If the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh is true, does he deserve to sit on the highest court in the land? If someone has information that affects the fitness of a person to hold such a critical position, does that person have a moral and/or a patriotic obligation to come forward?

Robert M. Tolle, Cedarhurst

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee should find their spines in time to question Christine Blasey Ford themselves. It appears they are afraid they will expose themselves as not having the character of gentlemen and might use a proxy to do the jobs they were elected and paid to do. If they use a proxy, they should resign, or their constituents should vote them out for not being morally or ethically fit to be U.S. senators.

James J. McCormick, East Northport

Many Democrats in Congress (many with law degrees) don’t really care about due process and the presumption of innocence in our system of justice. They have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution, yet are quick to dismiss the rights of Brett Kavanaugh.

What would their position be if they or a relative were accused of something terrible? Is an accusation alone enough to impugn a person’s reputation? Does the accused have a right to a defense? Is party affiliation the determining factor?

Many Democrats have stated that Ford is to be believed, yet most have never spoken with her or learned much information about her allegations against Kavanaugh.

Rep. Keith Ellison, the No. 2-ranking official in the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic nominee for attorney general in Minnesota, has been accused of emotional abuse by a former girlfriend. He denies the allegations. Why haven’t more Democrats come out to say the woman should be believed, even though she says she has medical records and witnesses. So, which is it? Are all women accusers to be believed, or just Democrats who accuse Republicans?

Don Karlsen, Farmingdale


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