Letters: Trump speaks the truth on Israel

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures during an address at a regional police union meeting in Portsmouth, N.H. on Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015. Credit: AP / Charles Krupa
How can Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz bash Donald Trump for being the only Republican with the guts to speak the truth about Israel [“Trump riles Jewish activists,” News, Dec. 4]? Trump openly questioned Israel’s commitment to the Mideast peace process.
If Israel were serious about the peace process, it wouldn’t constantly bite off more of the West Bank for Jewish settlements. The country wouldn’t try to renege on its original agreement to make its capital Tel Aviv and wouldn’t use Palestinian aggression against occupation as an excuse to expand its borders.
Trump hit it on the head when he said he speaks the truth because he doesn’t need Jewish donors’ money.
Ed Rao, Rockville Centre
Regarding The Associated Press report on Donald Trump at the Republican Jewish Coalition forum, I was there. Trump was very, very warmly received. Except for one moment when an already spirited crowd expressed displeasure with his choosing to punt on the issue of Jerusalem, the crowd loved him and gave him a standing ovation.
The narrow news report distorted the reality of the event.
Peter Forman, Port Washington