A Long Island Power Authority meter in Suffolk County.

A Long Island Power Authority meter in Suffolk County. Credit: Newsday / Thomas A. Ferrara

So the political appointees of the Long Island Power Authority board approved new borrowings of up to $740 million in 2019, which brings the total owed by ratepayers to a staggering $8.3 billion [“Measures to aid solar customers approved,” News, Dec. 20]!

Does anyone think this is a job well done? We may all need to learn how to whistle in the dark — as has the LIPA board.

John Hubbard, West Sayville

State senator should mind his outbursts

State Sen. Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn) irresponsibly tweeted that a spokeswomen for the Senate’s Republican conference should kill herself [“Pol sorry for ‘Kill yourself!’ tweet,” News, Dec. 19]. In 2009, he damaged a news photographer’s car and was required to attend an anger management course.

The article did not mention that Parker sponsored a bill this year that would require gun-permit applicants in New York to reveal their social media passwords and search-engine histories so they could be screened for slurs or terroristic threats. Perhaps Parker needs to deal with his own inappropriate behaviors before subjecting New Yorkers to this extreme invasion of privacy.

Dianne Brangaitis, Massapequa

Nature reveals the creator’s handiwork

In reference to “Some physicists also have faith in God” [Letters, Dec. 18], I agree with the author.

Sen. Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn) stands at the podium during a...

Sen. Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn) stands at the podium during a news conference at the Capitol in Albany on Feb. 6, 2017. Credit: AP / Hans Pennink

As a physician, I have not been able to lose the sight of God at any time. While studying physics, mathematics, embryology, botany, zoology, chemistry etc., the order, the mechanism, the purpose, the beauty in all that exists in nature have marveled me at every step and connected me with the creator/superpower!

Even diseases have patterns. Nothing is haywire in creation!

The spiritualist Sathya Sai Baba said, ‘Study of creation is science, and study of the creator is spirituality.” Blessed are those who can find the power of the creator in every speck in the nature!

Dr. Sharada Jayagopal, East Williston

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