Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Credit: AP/Alexander Zemlianichenko

Base property taxes on school districts

This property tax issue won’t ever get fixed unless the system is changed [“Nassau freezes property taxes,” News, Feb. 24].

Former Nassau County Executive Laura Curran did her best to get the values where they should be. This upset the people who had grieved in the past. So many people grieve their taxes in Nassau that most homeowners likely wouldn’t want the system fixed. Certainly, the grievance firms don’t; if the system is fixed, they’re out of business.

It’s a broken system when you can successfully grieve your taxes and have your home’s value (and taxes) lowered even though it was already being assessed at a lower rate than its current value. All the grievance firms need to do is identify homes whose assessment is favorable compared to their clients. Why doesn’t Suffolk County have this problem?

Since it seems impossible to get every home accurately assessed, let’s base taxes on school districts. Why should I pay more for the services that my taxes fund just because I have a finished basement and my next-door neighbor doesn’t?

 — Ray Seeback, Ronkonkoma

Hold Putin’s war to international law, too

Why is only Israel expected to follow all these rules and regulations of international law, but Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine isn’t given the same considerations [“Israel: Attempts at Gaza cease-fire,” News, Feb.  22]? Two sets of rules? One is for Israel, which should follow the rules of international law and is expected to do so before a cease-fire is even considered. But Putin, who invaded a sovereign nation and destroys buildings to rubble, is not expected to do the same. I would think the same international laws should be in place there, too.

 — Carolyn Newson, Riverhead  

It is disturbing to continue hearing about Israeli attacks still occurring and killing more than 30,000 people, especially the women and children [“Israel strikes kill 48,” World, Feb.  23]. I am sorry about the Oct. 7 attack, but Israel’s assault on Palestinians is wrong, too. They have lived there for centuries. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is becoming a bully like Vladimir Putin. Now, the World Health Organization says infectious diseases are soaring. Will this affect other countries? Diseases don’t distinguish race, creed or gender.

 — Gail Kellner, Calverton

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