Cars often don't stop for pedestrians to cross at intersections.

Cars often don't stop for pedestrians to cross at intersections. Credit: Johnny Milano

LI needs to speak with one voice

There is much of the spirit of the early colonists that still lives on in present day Long Islanders, including the desire for local control and autonomy, even at the expense of regional progress.

With almost 3 million people, the Nassau-Suffolk region sometimes has its voice muted by the fact that our area has several hundred local entities each with different and sometimes disparate agendas.

Long Island needs a unified voice for regional projects and improvements. Regional organizations that include Long Island, such as the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, have not dealt effectively with our Island’s needs. The lack of coordination between the Long Island Rail Road and our bus systems is only one example. As is most of Suffolk County relying on diesel-powered trains – a 19th century technology.

The county executives of both Nassau and Suffolk counties need to continue to work with regional groups such as the Long Island Association toward an islandwide agenda of improvements. Long Island needs to speak with one voice on regional matters and not leave it to organizations not invested in Long Island.

Edward P. Romaine, Center Moriches

The writer is Brookhaven town supervisor.

Drivers must observe crosswalk rules

I use a crosswalk at an intersection that has no "Walk/Don't Walk" signal. Most cars making a right turn don't stop to wait for me to cross before turning. On the rare occasion a car does stop they have the cars behind them honking at them even though they are obeying the law.

Sue Blaisdell, Huntington Station


Angela M. Parisi, a teacher in the Seaford and New York City school districts from 1979-2002, witnessed firsthand the effects of bullying and the need felt by its victims for revenge. The events inspired this poem.

I just said “hello” and got sneered down.

Surrounding me, will they push me to the ground?

“Let go of my backpack! Don’t throw it there. Come on, give it back.” It just isn’t fair.

Just walk away and leave me alone.

“STOP! Give it back, that’s my new cellphone.”

Does being tough really make them feel glad?

Why can’t they be friendly, is it powerful to be bad?

Were they bullied, too? That would explain a lot.

Is revenge their goal, is this part of their plot?

How sad and disturbing, this is how they live.

Each one of them could have so much to give.

I’m afraid! Could they be hiding a gun?

Is my school safe? Perhaps I should run!

Am I in a nightmare, a terrible dream?

Do I hear gunshots? Did someone just scream?

Are guns so easily accessible and bought?

Are the buyers vetted, do merchants give it a thought?

Is bullying how this tragedy begins?

With anger and hopelessness, their future so grim?

They’ll see no tears swelling up in my eyes.

As I walk home safely, I try to realize

That with hope and faith, new laws will be bound

And a safer tomorrow will ultimately be found.

— Angela M. Parisi, Seaford

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