The Northport VA Medical Center.

The Northport VA Medical Center. Credit: James Carbone

Recently I had occasion to drive my friend and neighbor to the Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center [“LI vets deserve a better VA,” Editorial, Dec. 31].

While he was being treated, I had conversations with several veterans waiting for care. One was in a wheelchair, another held on to a walker, a vet with a cane sat next to me. We discussed the difficulty for each of them in getting to the center for treatment — family inconvenience, expense for private transportation and other reasons, all valid.

President Donald Trump signed a bill in June to expand access for veterans to VA-funded care in the private sector. However, the details still need to be worked out.

What better tribute can we give our veterans who risked their lives in the military so that we at home can feel safe? Let’s make it a lot easier for our veterans to get local treatment from their primary care physicians.

John Vullo, Bohemia

Will the land go back to Trump?

Some of our unbiased Democratic state legislators want to remove Donald Trump’s name from a long-closed state park in the Hudson Valley that Trump donated land for in 2006 [“A new push to rename Trump park,” News, Jan. 6].

I assume they also are willing to transfer ownership back to Trump to use at his discretion?

Nelson Hunter, Greenlawn

Images inspire faith in humanity

I just have to say, the 19 photos you published in LI Life [“The year in pictures,” Dec. 30] brought me to tears.

The images and text should be required reading for all. They made me realize that if we all can look at each other as “the human race,” as opposed to segregated groups, we will be better off as a nation.

We need to embrace the wonderful, talented, empowered, dedicated, proud diversity around us and celebrate it. The article gave me faith and hope that we will be OK. We all have so much to give each other. Thank you for showing us that.

Frank Rizzo, Farmingville



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