Officers from the Suffolk County Police Department gather in the...

Officers from the Suffolk County Police Department gather in the Gilgo Beach area on Dec. 5, 2011. Credit: James Carbone

Suffolk cops’ pay has risen dramatically

After reading “Suffolk faces fight over cops’ pay” [News, Feb. 5], I find it very disturbing that the police are complaining and are in a fight over raises they are receiving.

Based on figures in the story, average annual pay — including overtime, holiday pay and longevity — rose by $27,300 per officer from 2012 to 2016. This is out of control.

I understand the police have dangerous jobs, but has anybody else seen a $27,300 raise in four years?

Are no estimates done to see whether taxpayers can afford this? Or whether we will need to add officers if the population increases from apartment houses being built throughout the county?

There is a New York State Public Employment Relations Board that, ideally, looks at the ability of taxpayers to pay, as well as the salaries of the surrounding departments.

Maybe it’s a time to take a deep, hard look at this process.

Chris Gallagher, West Babylon


Fowl abandonment a crime in New York

Chickens and other fowl feel pain and fear [“Reward for leads in headless hens,” News, Feb. 2]. Abandoning a domestic bird is the same as abandoning a dog or a cat. Such birds can’t make it on their own. When they’re abandoned to fend for themselves, they often starve or freeze to death, because most can’t fly or migrate.

Animal abandonment is a crime in New York, and fowl abandonment is too common on Long Island. In a recent week, my organization rescued two roosters, two hens and a domestic goose, which were all left to die.

Until the person or persons who left two chickens to die at Millers Pond in Smithtown is brought to justice, other animals are in danger. Anyone with information should contact the Suffolk County SPCA.

John Di Leonardo, Malverne

Editor’s note: The writer is president of Long Island Orchestrating for Nature, an animal advocacy group.


A Sound crossing could be critical

Building a bridge or tunnel across Long Island Sound would be money well spent for Long Islanders [“Sound out this crossing,” Editorial, Jan. 14].

Have you ever imagined what an evacuation would be like for you, your family, friends and neighbors? Rush-hour traffic ties up movement on the Island. Could you imagine most residents trying to exit at the same time?

A recent test of a weather service’s message system that mistakenly warned of a tsunami should have Long Islanders thinking of an exit strategy [“Tsunami warning? No, only a test,” News, Feb. 7].

Stan Jackson Sr. Amityville


Gov’t pursues wrong people to deport

The deportation of Pernell Mitchell, a husband and father in Mastic, would be wrong in so many ways [“Dad gets reprieve from ICE,” News, Feb. 8].

This man supports his family, owns his home and is raising his children. This clearly shows that our government is going after the wrong people. Those who have criminal records need to be investigated and deported.

Mitchell needs to remain in this country and pursue citizenship. Deporting him to Jamaica and separating him from his family would be a disgrace.

Judy Erwell, Babylon


Young people would waste trust funds

The op-ed piece “A trust fund for every American child” [Opinion, Feb. 6] suggests that giving every child a substantial sum of money to access at age 18 would help close the wealth gap in the United States.

However, I don’t believe this idea would have the outcome expected by the authors.

There is no indication that the recipients of this money would put it to good use. A young adult who is given $10,000 or more at 18 or even 21 likely has no idea how to manage the money. It would only be wasted, and these young adults would be back in the same boat.

We taxpayers cannot afford to give such a gift to every child. It would probably be more economical and effective to incorporate money management into school curricula. Begin in elementary school, so that when students earn their own money, they understand the importance of saving it.

Giovanna Pulver, West Babylon


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